Thursday, December 31, 2015

A dream is anything that doesn't destroy the dreams of others

Looking up to people has its draw backs. Sometimes, most of the time the people you're looking up to suck shit!
Not many leaders in the world turn out to be who they officially set out to be. Why is that?
What is leadership?
It's not just organizing people, even tho that's how to equate success, it's also about organizing an ideal that gets people driven.
The difficulties individuals who have vision run into is fear of change.

So what what can someone do to become a leader and over come societies general fear of change? Follow their dreams! If you want to change anything, ther'll be resistance! You'll learn to anticipate obstacles if you're serious about pursuing your dreams!

People will look up to you. So stick to the ideal.

to be honest there really is only one ideal, and that's to encourage yourself and all the people around you to follow their dreams.

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